11 am

Owners present:


November 19, 2011


Open Meeting:


Board Members Present -

LeRoy Seeley (President), Steve Stemhagen (Vice

President), Alice Carey, Treasurer, Sue Hannah, Secretary,

Wilbur Dukes, Ron Ward

Board Members Absent -

Bob Robinson

Minutes from the Fall General Membership October 1, 2011 meeting

were accepted.

Treasurers Report:

Bank accounts:

Key Bank

Sound Bank




( 1,465.29) Pre-paid 2012 dues

( 8.311.98) Road repair Collected Balance





Reserve Acct.

Road Repairs:





To be collected






*14 members owe total amount 6 members making payments 5 members in


2011 Spending to date:




To date Operating Balance

Active Dues to collect


710.46 4 owners

Alice stated that included in the balance of the year end expenses is the $600 which

had been approved for the beach erosion project.

Treasurers report accepted.

Special Committees Report:

The Policy Compliance Committee reported on letters which were sent out to

several owners in regards to their non compliance with By-laws and or Policies.

Several owners are receiving weekly fines for failure to comply.

A Policy Compliance Violation complaint form regarding a possible fencing

encroachment on TBBC right of way was received and reviewed. After discussion

and a visual inspection of the property; it is the decision of the committee and the

board that the complaint has no merit.

A letter will be sent to the issuer of the complaint with the decision.

From the President:

Thank you to Ken and Mavis Brown for allowing the board to use their home.

Welcomed all owners present.

Letters from an owner which had been received were read and discussed.

The pump house is near completion. The materials needed to complete the project,

wood trim, metal roofing and gravel, will cost approximately $200.00.

Ken brought up that the generator needs a new battery -approximately $50.00.

It was agreed to allocate funds for these items.

The propane level of the sewer plant tank is satisfactory. LeRoy will monitor.

Old Business:

The beach road speed bump: the removal or moving will be deferred until


Sewer plant: blackberry vine removal a work party will be scheduled for

early April.

Several questions were raised pertaining to the grounds keeping duties required in

the Water/Sewer plant operator contract.

Unfinished Business:

Beach signs:

The plan is to install the signs in early spring.

Kens report:

Beach erosion project:

Alice stated we should be (just barely) in the black at year’s end due in part to a

payment of $2,300 received from 1 owner. After numerous phone calls and

promises from this particular owner; liens were filed November 7, 2011 on her 3

properties. On November 15th monies were received. The amount received is not

sufficient to remove the liens however.

Alice stated that two (2) other owners will have liens placed on their properties in

December if no money is received.

There was discussion regarding the cost of filing liens and the best manner in which

to notify owners of their responsibility for payment of these costs. It was agreed to

add verbiage to the annual dues statement.

Alice reported on a fact finding trip she and Sue made when they met with a

collection agency to investigate the value in hiring an agency to collect on debts


Policy 09-01:

Paragraph 1: Revised the interest fee amount to comply with the Consumer

Protection law. Paragraph 3: Revised verbiage to reflect a flat collection expense fee

in lieu of a percentage of the balance so as to be in compliance with the Consumer

Protection law. Paragraph 3: Added verbiage stating the legal and lien costs which

will be added to delinquent dues account balances.

Motion made and approved to make changes to the policy.

Date of next meeting: No December meeting. A meeting tentatively

scheduled January 14, 2012.

Meeting adjourned.

Ken summarized his three (3)page report. He reported the work party on Nov 13th

was successful in securing beach logs.

Ken met with a Geo Engineer, Glen Coad P.E. owner of Development

Engineering,PLLC and Jeff Charbonneau, owner of Charbonneau Construction on

November 17th to get an assessment of the beach erosion and the process and

costs involved in pursuing major extensive repairs. The cost incurred for the Geo

Engineer’s consultation was $150.00.

Discussion followed regarding the costs and the permitting process. Ken is waiting

for an updated bid proposal from Charbonneau. Ken was told that the permitting

process is lengthy and difficult to obtain. The preliminary figures presented by both

men for the completion of the work were quite costly.

A question was raised about using the (emergency) reserve fund. Alice stated that

at this point in time there is no money left to add to the $8,100.00 in the reserve

(emergency) fund. Additionally, there is no money allocated in the 2012 budget for

the reserve account either. There are no extra funds.

Alice stated that in the past weve not established a contingency fund for

maintenance of the TBBC property.

It was suggested that we should pursue looking into what all is involved in the

permit process. Because the beach is such a vital asset to the community, it is

imperative that we pursue future major repairs in a lawful legal manner.

It was also discussed that the cliff at the highest points of the beach road will be the

most costly areas to be repaired. A question as to where some properties drain

from needs to be evaluated as well.

PL&G: Tony’s crew will be back in the spring unless we have need for landscape

services before then.

New Business:

Jeanne Weston’s request for removal of trees on TBBC property:

After much deliberation as well as a physical examination of the properties and the

fir trees in question by members of the board; the board’s conclusion is that the

trees are indeed on Taylor Bay Beach Club property. The trees in fact pose a

potential future hazard per licensed arborist, Steve Wortinger who conducted a

physical examination of the site and said trees and provided a written assessment

and bid for their removal.

There was extensive discussion regarding the need for the board to further address

potential similar issues.

Motion made and approved to allow the removal of the fir trees by a

licensed and bonded contractor, all costs to be borne by Jeanne

Weston, on TBBC property in front of Blk 1, Lot 10.